Title: Light Box
Author: Daniel Weil (b. 1953, Buenos Aires)
Introduction by Dawn Ades, with essays by Nigel Coates, Christopher Jones and John Thackara.
Publisher: Architectural Association 1985 London
Specs: 12.5" x 12. 5" x 1" Purple portfolio case with softcover book (9" x 7") with slip case made of paper with wood grain patterns with an oval shaped hole as in an artist's palette. An additional 6 prints of original drawings measuring 11.75" x 8.25" slide into another wood grain patterned sleeve with round holes on the inside cover. On the other side of the portfolio cover there is a checkerboard backing and 2 metal hanging devices with clips to hold brightly colored soft plastic covers designed to hold a folded linen cloth ( 1 yard) printed with drawings and 2 plastic rectangles (6.75" x 3") with metallic drawings (one silver, one copper) resembling printed circuit boards. Very good condition. Set intact. Extremely rare.
Pages: 30 Pages in the softcover book plus 6 separate drawings.
Details: Published by the Architectural Association to coincide with an exhibition of work by Daniel Weil, Heavy Box, at the Architectural Association in London from May 29 - June 25, 1985. Light Box Contents (as listed in book) Sketchbook, One yard of fabric, 6 x A4, PCB, Tin, Copper, Chessboard.
Notes from the archive: Weil's dream has always been that everyday products should be as imaginative and delightful as works of art.