Title: Albert Paley in the 21st Century
Author: Carter Ratcliff, with Director's Forward by Grant Holcomb, and a Curator's Forward by Maria Via.
Publisher: Albert Paley Studios, Printed by Litho Art New, Turin, Italy
Specs: 12" h x 12.25", Hardcover
Pages: 172, 162 beautiful color illustrations
ISBN: 978-0-615-35392-0
Details: First Edition. Printed in 2010. Printed to accompany an exhibition organized by the Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester.
Notes from the archive: Carter Ratcliff, a leading art critic and contributing editor to Art in America, discusses the work of Albert Paley in the first ten years of the 21st Century. The book includes an overview of all aspects of his studio work from the ceremonial archway Animals Always, for the St. Louis Zoo, the Portal Gate for the Good Shepherd Chapel at the National Cathedral to his recent monumental sculpture, Evanesce in Monterrey Mexico. The survey includes a detailed look at Paley's design processes and techniques from sketches and drawings, to models through to the final installations.
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