Title: Age of Steel
Author: Edited by Herman du Toit
Publisher: Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 1996
Specs: 11" h x 7", Paperback
Pages: 40 pages
ISBN: 842523383
Details: Forward by Herman du Toit, Albert Paley: Always a Sculptor essay by Davira Taragin and Change and Constancy: The Sculpture of Albert Paley essay by Janet Koplos. Designed by Rebecca Sterrett and Brian Bird. Photography by Tom Crane, John Dale, David Hawkinson, Bruce Miller and J. Weiland. New condition.
Notes from the archive: Artful catalog with 20 beautiful color and black and white photographs. Catalogue was published with the Museum of Art in conjunction with the exhibition Age of Steel, presented in the Cannon Galleries, Museum of Art at Brigham Young University in the summer of 1996.
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